As the name „FAIRicidad“ suggests Fairness is the basis and the basic idea for our brand. Fairness and dealing fairly is not limited to business life but should be part of our everyday life not only towards other fellow human beings but also towards our environment. This means that everyone can make a contribution, even if it is very small, to make life better for himself and others. Through our concept „Production on request “ and the selection of quality goods (which are carefully selected) we are going this way and are convinced that this is definitely a step in the right direction. Read on to see for yourself.
Our suppliers and producers have established their own code of conduct guidelines to ensure an ethical supply chain. In short, these values aim to improve sustainability of production, support employees and communities, combat climate change and ensure ethical labor standards.
By the way, the second part of our brand “Fairicidad“comes from the Spanish „Felicidad “ what happiness and joy means and we are convinced where FAIRNESS is, HAPPINESS cannot be far away!