
Prices, shipping costs and delivery information

The prices stated on the product pages include statutory VAT and other price components (it affects the EU countries).

We ship to addresses almost all over the world with a few exceptions. Some products are packaged and shipped separately. We cannot guarantee delivery dates and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility for delays in delivery other than notification of a known delay. 

The average time for deliveries is shown on each product page. This is only an average estimate. As a rule, however, a few days are to be expected. Because our products are made on demand, some deliveries may take longer or be much faster. Any estimated delivery dates quoted at the time an order is placed and confirmed are subject to change.

Shipping costs are calculated and communicated to you during the checkout process and reconfirmed on the order page. The total amount for shipping costs will be clearly communicated to you again on the order page (checkout). The shipping fee includes the statutory value-added tax (it affects the EU countries).

There are no shipping costs for digital content (e-books, software, etc.).